Old Timey Tuesdays: Fried Ham/You Are My Sunshine

It's once again Old Timey Tuesday!  Today, we're saying a fond farewell to Summer with some camp songs.  I'm a camper from a long line of summer campers, so summer camp sing-a-long songs have been accompanying me my entire life.  I've attended, goodness me, ten camps in my life so I had quite a list of tunes to choose from ranging from fun to crazy to downright troubling.  Throw in the songs of my parents' scout and church camp days, my sisters' summer camps and my folky extended family, and I was overwhelmed with tales of Junior Birdman, Button Factories, Shark Attacks, Weenie Men, Bears in the Woods, Little Bunny Foo Foo, and many, trust me, many more. 

In this video, I am joined by my sisters, campers in their own right, as well as my little nephew, Teddy.  We share "Fried Ham", an old scout favorite sung to us by our parents and aunts and uncles.  Then we switch to "You Are My Sunshine," a 1933 tune that has become a part of the American cannon.  I used to harmonize this song with my cabin mates up in Onekama, Michigan. 

Up next for the Folks: The Broad-Way - A fundraiser for Brown Paper Box Theatre Company.  http://www.brownpaperbox.org/the-broad-way.html  Alex, Khaki, and Betsy be singin' women-written tunes (including "The Threshold" by Betsy!). Tickets are available for September 30 http://uptownunderground.tix.com/Event.aspx?EventCode=895188 or October 7 http://uptownunderground.tix.com/Event.aspx?EventCode=895189.

Never miss an Old Timey Tuesday; subscribe to our mailing list and we will keep you updated on She's Folks and Old Timey Tuesdays!  
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Do you have an old-timey tune you love?  Let us know and we might give it the She's Folks spin!

*On Old Timey Tuesdays we feature folk, bluegrass, country, blues, ballads, and work songs we love. Some we grew up singin'. Some we've discovered along the way. These songs don't appear in our live shows. But we love them too much not to play them. We hope you love them too.

May the Folk be with you.


Elizabeth Morgan